PolarBear would try to amuse you but you wouldn't laugh :P

"I'm not boring, at least that is what I have been told to say"

General information
Birthdate: 23rd of March Age: 48
Gender: Male
Character information
Last logged in at 04 January 2008 04:05:51 GMT
Last logged out at 04 January 2008 06:08:19 GMT
Total login time 1 day, 12 hours, 38 minutes and 25 seconds
Created at 17 April 2004 03:10:58 BST
Invited by PolarBear was invited here by Avi.

About PolarBear

I now have the following fictional classifications:

*Approved by my Lord and Mistress ;) *

1. O.R.G.Y. (Official Rebound Guy who Yearns)

2. P.E.N.I.S. (Person who Enjoys Naturally Insane Silliness)

3. L.O.S.E.R. (Longing for One thing Serious Enough to Relish)

4. D.O.R.K. (Dreamy Odd Rapturous Kink)

-More classifications to come. Thank you. And Beware the Flat Tail of the Nasty Beaver!

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