MouseTrap Pling (and Jarel)

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ICQ UIN: 77521710
Birthdate: 29th of August Age: 50
Gender: Female
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Total login time 14 years, 27 days, 6 hours, 46 minutes and 3 seconds
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Pling is a founder member of Republic.
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About Pling

I was born in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford on 29th August 1974 and my parents christened me Margaret Lucy Stewart. I prefer to be called Margaret (or Pling of course ;) ), and woe betide you if you try and shorten my name ;).

My parents are Scottish, so despite being born and brought up in England I sometimes try and convince unwary people that I am infact doesn't normally work :( coz I've not got an even remotely scottish accent any more.

I'm sure no-one really wants to know where and when I went to school, or what my teachers thought of me...if you do you're gonna have to ask (or remain curious forever ;) )...

Once I'd finished with school and stuff I spent my year out working for Shell Research in Sittingbourne, which is a really quite boring little town in Kent, UK. I guess I enjoyed that year though coz I was living away from home for the first time and was earning money as well (which I promptly spent on booze and a new stereo system *grin*)

I then spent the next 3 years at Cambridge University, studying Natural Sciences. I specialised in Cell Biology in my third year. Cambridge has a very weird system for awarding degrees so all I can say is that I got a BA Hons from Cambridge, and I don't have to say what class of degree I got *grin* (I got a II:1 in first and second year and a II:2 in third year)

While I was in third year I started going out with John (Jarel on here), and once we'd graduated I moved in with him in Ipswich. I've spent the first year after university working for Strangeways Research Laboratory, which has nothing to do with the prison *grin*'s is in fact a cell and molecular biology lab, in Cambridge.

The most important event in my life recently is that on 17 Sept 1997 I got engaged to John! To answer all the inevitable questions, I proposed while we were at home on that Wednesday night, and we haven't set a date for the wedding yet, it'll probably be after I have finished my PhD. And I'm very happy *bounce*.

We've now set a date for our wedding, and will be getting married on 2 September 2000, in Exeter College, Oxford. THat's the college that my father is a fellow of, and it has a really nice chapel :)

Now (Sept 1997) I'm about to start a PhD course at University of East Anglia, in Norwich. My supervisors are the same people I've been working for last year, the whole group is moving to Norwich, which makes the commuting easierfor me *grin* The title of my PhD project is 'New Approaches to the Analysis of Structural Specificity of the Collagenases' and it is funded by the Arthritis Research Campaign.

I'm currently (Jan 2000) in the third year of my PhD course, and so the imminent deadline is approaching *meep* Things are going well and I should finish lab work between Sept and Dec this year. After that I get to write up, and then my supervisor is going to find me money to do a three year post-doc with the group. :)

Well, that's sorta the professional far as out of work goes I mostly read (and spod of course). My favourite sort of books are science fiction books although I'd probably read anything if I was bored enough (I have been caught reading backs of cornflake packets for amusement *grin*). I read too fast, and probably too much so I get most of the books out of the library but still spend _far_ too much money :)

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