Ozzy Grendel was been away long too

"A mean, lean, green bean"

General information
Email address: grendel@ps.cus.umist.ac.uk
Homepage: http://www.dur.ac.uk/~d550du
Character information
Last logged in at 05 December 1999 20:20:09 GMT
Last logged out at 05 December 1999 20:20:17 GMT
Total login time 3 hours, 58 minutes and 14 seconds
Created at sometime in the distant past
Grendel is a founder member of Republic.

About Grendel

Hello.. I'm Grendel. I'm 20, from Gateshead in England and I'm
currently studying Linguistics at the University of Durham.
I have but one major obsession in my life.. the Goddess, Tori Amos :)

Other musics that soothe me are .. Marillion, IQ, U2, Simple Minds,
Sarah McLachlan, Alanis, Fiona Apple, Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree,
Def Leppard, The Wishing Tree, Fish, Radiohead, Mansun, Manic Street
Preachers, Pulp, Nine Inch Nails, Nitzer Ebb, ... ooh, you name it.

My net.friends go as follows : Jarel (Java God), Newt, Vento, Pete, ar
Ariel, Nick, Emi, Wizard, Torea, tND and so many others I just can't
recall.. oh my...


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