snap_crackle kelly has a dangerous smile...
General information |
Gender: |
Female |
Character information |
Last logged in at |
21 August 2002 23:50:00 BST |
Last logged out at |
21 August 2002 23:50:22 BST |
Total login time |
7 days, 58 minutes and 59 seconds |
Created at |
30 May 1999 18:43:22 GMT+00:00 |
Original name |
Original name was 'drkelly'. |
Invited by |
kelly was invited here by Jarel. |
About kelly
Hmmmm. Well, my name is Kelly O. Sullivan - the O. is an initial and not
part of my last name, though my family name was O'Sullivan before hitting
this continent. Been blonde since the day I was born, and sometimes
I prove that by saying something profoundly stupid.
I have a Ph.D. in physical chemistry/chemical physics (the specialty
depends on whom you ask) and my favorite parts are quantum mechanics
and getting to blow stuff up.
I also love theatre (onstage, offstage - acting, directing, techie stuff;
I love doing all of it!) and reading and bicycling (despite my wrecks) and....
I spend my days in front of a computer, doing research in computational
chemistry and spodding - or I'm in class lecturing. It's all good.
anything else, ask away....
| © 1998 - 2021 J. Patterson. |