Cool~Man Dan The Bad Man

"I'm too boring to have a description."

General information
Email address:
Birthdate: 3rd of June Age: 40
Gender: Male
Character information
Last logged in at 30 August 2000 20:40:48 BST
Last logged out at 30 August 2000 21:07:47 BST
Total login time 18 hours, 25 minutes and 14 seconds
Created at 13 June 2000 22:09:46 BST
Invited by Dan was invited here by Giovanni.

About Dan

Hello.. My name is Dan

At the moment i live in the UK (West Midlands for those who wanna know) but hopefully i will be moving to America after College

I am free Single and Looking at the moment if u have any ideas e-mail me on Cheers

I am 16 years Old

i have Brown Hair and Blue Eyes i am about 5'8''

Right now i am planning on going to college and Then as above (AMERICA)

In my spare time i like to Burn CD's and i like to mix music to make my own sounds

I also go on the internet alot

I have been doing alot of work for trying to find a Talker hosting service that hardly ever goes down (As if) any ideas Tell me or mail me again.

Well this is turning into an Essay so i will quit


Cheers for finding out all about me

from Me


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