AltoClef by name, Alto very Clef by reputation

"I really am called AltoClef, despite everyone's attempts to convince me otherwise - so far we've had AutoChef, Altovista, Autoclave - any other suggestions on a postcard..."

General information
Email address:
ICQ UIN: 11225885
Birthdate: 8th of August Age: 46
Gender: Male
Character information
Last logged in at 27 October 2000 16:13:33 BST
Last logged out at 27 October 2000 17:05:13 BST
Total login time 10 days, 15 hours, 41 minutes and 6 seconds
Created at Tuesday, 12 May 1998 12:07:26 oclock BST
Invited by AltoClef was invited here by Jarel.
Invitees AltoClef has 1 invitee.

About AltoClef

Right. Bio.

Well - skipping briefly over the boring bits of my life pre-university, I was born in Chelmsford, Essex. I've since lived in Workington, Cumbria and my parents are now in Dorset. I did all the usual school stuff and have things like GCSEs and A levels. There - that wasn't too hard, was it?

Currently, I'm reading Engineering at Christ's College, Cambridge, from where I should graduate in June 2000.

When I'm not spodding or working, you can find me playing my viola, engaged in general boatie-like activity or drinking beer.

If you want to know anything else obscure then you'll have to ask...

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