Help on 'Command: invite'
USAGE: invite <New Player Name>
* Once you have reached two day's login time, you can invite a new person
onto Republic. You can invite another person for each further day.
* Your 'invite' stays open while you are logged into Republic - when you
log out the invite will be cancelled.
* You are responsible for suggesting an appropriate name for the new
player. Anyone "examin"ing them will see you invited them on.
* A name has to be between three and fifteen characters long, only
contain letters, and cannot share the first five letters with a current
character on Republic. You will be told if any of these are not met.
* It is your job to help your invitee to get used to the way Republic
works, so try not to disapear off as soon as they have connected!
See also: invitees, revoke
| © 1998 - 2021 J. Patterson. |