Help on 'COMMAND: trans'
USAGE: trans [<userid>.]<roomid>
* Allows you to jump to any room that you know the id of without going
through all of the rooms inbetween.
* You type: trans
And you are magically transported to the forum of the Republic.
* If you type "trans roomid" with no userid, Republic will assume you
are trying to go to your own room of that name. Ie, if you type
"go sewage_disposal_room", Rep will assume that you're trying to go to
_your_ sewage disposal room. Why you'd want to is another question,
* You can't trans to a room that is not open to you.
* If you trans to a room of someone logged on, that person will be
notified that you paid them a visit.
See also: GO, ROOM ID
 | © 1998 - 2025 J. Patterson. |